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Feel free to use this for your playtests

Prototype Rating Form

Game Played:  _________________________________________________________

Number of Players: _________

Final Scores: ______________________________________________________________________

Approximate time it took to play (after setup & rules):  _____ minutes

Please rate the following on a 10-point scale, with 10 being best:

Category           Description                                                                                                                                                                                   Rating (10=Great, 1=Not)

Theme               Is the theme engaging, do the mechanics fit the theme?  


Mechanics        Do the actions you take and the parts used make sense and work well together? 


Rules                Were the rules complete, clear, simple?


Skill vs. Luck   Given the summary you heard (or read) before you started, did it have the right balance of strategy and luck elements?


Originality        Is there something fresh or interesting about this game?

Time                 Did it last the right amount of time to maximize enjoyment?


Replay              How eager would you be to play this game again?


Fun                   Was it fun to play?

For items above rated 5 or less, please comment on what you didn’t like and/or suggest improvements:


What did you like most about the game?


What did you like least about the game?


Did this remind you of any other game?  If so, which game and how?


Any suggestions to improve the game?


What will you remember most about this game?


Name (optional): _______________________________________________________

Email Address (optional): _____________________________________________________________

Candy Weber's website for board game tools and board game design tools

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