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Candy Weber is a board game designer.  Her father, Jimmy Gross, always loved to play board games with his family.  He and the rest of the family helped teenage Candy to design her first boardgame in the 1970s, long before other versions of Monopoly existed. They sold a couple dozen copies of "Campground" to other residents of their local campground. Then Candy started working on a more original game about the campground, and continued designing original games from then on.  But other than a few large, distant companies like Parker Brothers, there weren't many opportunities to get fresh game designs out to the world.

Eventually desktop publishing came along, making it easier to make multiple copies of a game. And with the arrival of the internet and in 2000, some of those games were made available to others.  But the quality of the components was still very poor.

At this point, Candy discovered board game conventions like KublaCon where she could meet gamers and playtest her designs.  Her design of "Leftovers" won the KublaCon Game Design Contest in 2004.  Another of her games tied for first in the same contest in 2014.


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At BoardGameGeek.con, she showed her prototype of a card game that paid homage to the site to Scott Alden, owner of the site.  He gave some feedback, and later promised to publish it.  Later he introduced Candy to the team at  Game Salute, who published the game as BoardGameGeek: The Card Game.

In 2016, two of Candy's designs were signed by publishers.  Each of those publishers have had challenges that caused delays, leaving the world still waiting to see those games become a reality.

In the meantime, Candy started entering game design contests, making it to the finals in several contests..

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In 2017, Candy created Universal Victory Point Cards, which are available on


Most recently, another of Candy's designs, "Tree-Oh," was signed by Flying Lemur Games. This thinky card game will be Kickstarting soon, and is scheduled for release as "Trios" on Arbor Day, 2020.  A designer diary for this game is available below.



Design Diary


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Candy Weber's website for board game tools and board game design tools

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